
Privacy policy

This is the privacy policy for the website Diagrams, developed by Alan Mendelevich. This policy explains how we collect, use and protect your information when you visit our website.

We do not use any cookies or store any personal user data on our servers. We respect your privacy and do not track you across the web.

We use Plausible Analytics for analytics purposes. Plausible Analytics is a privacy-friendly and GDPR-compliant alternative to Google Analytics. It does not collect any personal or identifiable information, such as IP addresses, from visitors. It only collects aggregated and anonymized data, such as the number of page views, the referral source, the device type, the browser and the country of origin. You can opt out of Plausible Analytics by using the "Do Not Track" setting in your browser.

We may update this policy from time to time to reflect changes in our practices or the law. We will notify you of any material changes by posting a notice on our website.

If you have any questions or concerns about this policy, please contact us at info@markerjs.com.